M. Hanlon Art

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New Beginnings…

I’ve been waiting for the perfect message, the perfect art collection, the perfect words to come to me. “If I’m going to take the time to write and share with others, it needs to be profound! I must have everything in order before I can begin, or no one will take me seriously or be helped by what I have to say.”

Oof, that’s heavy.

This probably isn’t surprising: the perfect time hasn’t come, and it isn’t coming. I’m home raising my beautiful (nearly) four year old twin daughters, and delightful 18 month old son. They are all kinds of magic and light and…chaos! Our days are filled with learning and growing.

I have learned and grown more than I could have imagined in the last four years. Transitioning into motherhood was not easy.

One of the lessons learned is that there never will be a perfect day. But any day that I learn something good and helpful and don’t share…is a day that I may be depriving someone else of the chance to learn and be helped. Or just a chance to be seen.

So, here we go. Making art is how I connect to myself and others. I look forward to sharing my process and learning with you. I hope to create a space for connection and conversation.

May we learn and grow together!